#i have too much to do to add something else
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coleblackblood · 3 days ago
The dragon blinked, staring at their once mighty horde - towering and utterly dangerous to anyone smaller than their own magnificent form ... now neatly organized into several smaller piles. Some even making use of the chests and drawers they had snatched them in, claws too large to grasp the smaller chains and jewels.
"Why did you do this?" They asked at last, smoke curling from their mouth with each word.
It had been some time since they attempted to speak in the Common tongue. The effort stirred their magic as easily as their rage once had.
The human seemed quite nervous, but not in the fearsome, cowering way so many of her kind greeted them with.
No, this one seemed almost... anxious. Like a young dragonling, looking to be praised on their first hunt.
"Well, it's not often I have no work to do, and you had mentioned seeking out more treasure to add to your horde the next time you went out. So I thought I would do a bit of tidying up!"
"..." The dragon's eyes studied their hoard once more.
The human's hands wrung against the cloth tied about her waist.
"Look, you have more room to store your treasures in!" She tried, gesturing to the newly bared sections of the dragon's cave.
She had a point. They could fit far more in this space now, without having to worry about the pile crashing to the ground, sending their hoard scattering off the cliffside outside their cave.
"...What do humans like again?"
The human's eyes blinked, wide like prey.
"You have done me a great service. I now owe you a debt. What would you like?" The dragon explained, still not looking at her.
"O-Oh. Well, I'm not really sure. Usually I would ask for something to make work a bit easier. - like new cloths or fresh bristles for my broom." She admitted.
"You would work for me?" The dragon turned to look at her, their golden eyes taking her in.
"Well, why not? I've never been very good at just sitting around all day. And you said you weren't going to eat me - unless you've changed your mind?" The human's words were softer, this time, and her face grew distinctly paler.
The dragon huffed.
"You will have what you need." They stated. "But being given tools to work is not a debt repaid. Is there nothing else you would want?"
"Um..." The human shifted, wringing the cloth once more.
"I don't suppose letting me go is an option?"
"It is not."
"I thought as much." The human grew quiet. "Would a book, be all right? It's been some time since I had something new to read."
"It will be done." They had spotted a library in a nearby kingdom, fairly abandoned now that the land's queen had greedily pulled back her support. It would be a simple matter to carry a shelf with them - assuming the flimsy wood did not crack beneath their claws, first.
"Oh, thank you!" The human gave them an odd expression, baring her teeth. Yet she showed no other signs of a threat.
"You know, you're quite kind for a dragon!"
The dragon gave a huff, saying nothing more.
This odd human had given them much to consider.
A dragon mistakenly kidnapped a maid instead of a princess. Expecting the princess to be rescued after going out hunting, instead comes back to all their treasure meticulously sorted by origin, color, and value.
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cameronsbabydoll · 3 days ago
how do you think rafe would react if reader randomly bumped into one of her old friends and it’s a guy who was considerably older than her as well? even worse, reader insists she just had to hang out with them after seeing them because “it’s the polite thing to do”.
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When you casually mention bumping into your old friend who’s much older than you, Rafe would initially hide his true feelings. He'd give you a tight smile, masking the small flicker of irritation behind his eyes.
“An older friend, huh?” he’d ask, his voice calm, but his posture stiffening slightly. He’d be sizing the situation up in his mind, trying to gauge if there’s anything to worry about. “How much older are we talking here?”
As you go on to say you “just had to hang out” with him because “it’s the polite thing to do,” Rafe would almost freeze for a moment, caught between his need to be rational and his protective instincts.
“The polite thing to do, huh?” He'd repeat the phrase with a slightly condescending chuckle, almost as if to challenge you. His brows would furrow slightly. “So, it’s polite for you to go hang out with some older guy, but you don’t think that’d make me a little uncomfortable?”
His tone would be calm, but there’s a hint of something darker beneath the surface. Rafe would be trying to figure out whether you're genuinely oblivious to how this looks or if you’re being a little too naive for his liking.
“You know, baby,” he’d add, his voice lowering a little, “I get it. We’re both older than you. But I’m actually someone you’ve chosen. This guy? I’m not so sure.”
He wouldn’t be outright angry at first, but it’d be clear he’s keeping his guard up. The idea that this older guy could now be in the picture, again, even if it’s “just polite,” would push him into overprotective mode.
Rafe would cross his arms, giving you a long look that would make you feel his irritation even if he isn’t saying much. “It’s not like I don’t know what that feels like, baby. I’m older, too, remember? But when I choose to hang out with someone, it’s because I actually want to. Not because I’m trying to make anyone feel good.”
If you try to brush it off, saying it was no big deal, Rafe would not let it go so easily. He might chuckle again, a little darker this time, before pulling you closer, his hands resting on your hips possessively.
“I don’t care how polite you think you’re being. I’m not thrilled about you spending time with some older guy, especially when it’s so casual for you.” He’d smirk, leaning in closer, his lips brushing your ear as he continues, “You might think it's polite, but it doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t trust the guy, and I definitely don’t like you letting him get too comfortable around you.”
Rafe would give you that pointed look, the one he knows will make you feel the weight of his words, even if he’s still trying to be somewhat reasonable.
“You should be more careful who you let in, sweetheart. People can have all kinds of intentions. You think you’re just being polite, but I see it differently.”
Even though he'd never show it outright, Rafe's mind would be racing—focusing on what this guy's intentions are, how he could be a potential threat, and how he'd need to keep an eye on this “old friend.” He’d try not to come across as too jealous or possessive, but he'd make it clear that no one else would be getting too close to you, no matter how "polite" it seemed.
In the end, his tone would soften, but only a little, as he’d lean in and pull you into a firm hug. “Just don’t let it happen again, okay?” He’d murmur in your ear. “I’m the one you should be focused on.”
Rafe would show his possessiveness in subtle ways after that—asking about the friend more often, reminding you of his presence, and keeping a closer eye on you, all while making sure you knew that he was the one that mattered.
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recoiloperated · 3 days ago
So a few days ago, we had a discussion on home defense, and I had some thoughts that are too complex to put there, first, I need you all to be familiar with the survivability onion:
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The syntax is different for a house, but the ideas are the same.
1: don't be there- if possible, avoid high crime areas. We don't always get the option, sometimes crime comes to us. My neighborhood had an issue a few years ago because one of my neighbors had a 20 year old son who decided meth was a nice hobby.
2/3: don't be detected/don't be identified- avoid things that make you a target. New TV? Don't just drop the box on the curb. Break it down and bag it. If possible, make seeing on to your porch more difficult. If you have something worth stealing, make it hard to tell.
4: don't be hit- there's a lot of ways to keep people who know you have stuff worth stealing away. Dogs, lights, cameras, security.
5: don't be penetrated- this is the second to last line, hardened entryways, removal or reinforcement of large ground level glass, (thorny or hard to navigate plants, fences, Ect.) swap the short screws in your strike plates and hinges for longer 3-4" ones, possibly add more, or longer hinges and a full length strike plate. Make sure any exposed hinges are captured pin. Ect.
6: don't be killed.
This is the real last line. Here is where the metal meets the stone, a lot of people ignore 1-5 and go straight here. That's stupid. Deep defense is the best defense. By the time you get here, you're already screwed.
So- the first step of this is still passive. Build a redoubt. this can be as simple as a solid core bedroom door with exterior grade fittings, or as complex as a proper saferoom.
Then you get active. I do not cop to any non-lethal levels here. If you've done 1-5 right, anyone who makes it here wants you and yours dead.
A long gun is where it's at, loaded with proper defensive ammo. No ball, no birdshot.
Hollow point ammo, buckshot, Ect. Everything else that you did before this was a warning, as much for them as for you. By the time they make it through all the soft deterrents, then through the hardened door, and then to your safe room, it's reduced to a binary solution set.
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leafbowl · 21 hours ago
Just my Trans Jason Todd Thoughts:
Dick had always wanted a sister, so you can imagine his absolute joy when he heard that Bruce had taken in a small (far too small for her age) girl off the streets of Gotham. One that had tried- and succeeded, might he add- to steal the tires off the Batmobile. Dick was ecstatic. He stayed at the manor purely because of those pleading blue eyes that- "I've always wanted a brother," Julia said, her mouth full of the burger she was shoving in it. They were out as Robin and Nightwing. Dick choked on his fries. Julia only smiled wider. "You're a good brother, Dick." She rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you." She had muttered that last part. Dick thought it was more as an offhanded addition, words she said in her mind that she hadn't intended to come out of her mouth.
Julia was the only reason Dick tolerated Bruce's bullshit. She was the only reason Dick didn't distance himself from Gotham entirely. He came back just for her. He came back to see her smile, to do her hair because she had never been taught how and Dick had helped some of the girls back in his Flying Grayson days.
Julia never liked her hair. That should've been Dick's first clue. She wanted hers like Dick's- she wanted to do everything Dick did, wanted to wear his clothes, eat the same food, be the same hero so Dick didn't think too much of how she pulled at it sometimes and almost never had it down.
Then, when she was fifteen- god, she was only fifteen- Dick's baby sister died. And he lost control. He went after The Joker. Clark stopped him. Dick never felt the same towards Superman after that. Dick left Gotham, never once looking back. He stayed in Blüdhaven and he mourned his sister. She appeared in his dreams, his nightmares, his thoughts. He wasn't all that surprised when the hallucinations started but fuck did it freak him out. He got used to it eventually, seeing her bloodied body, wrecked by Joker and that stupid fucking crowbar. He flinched every time he saw one now, an irritatingly grading rage filling him to the brim, threatening to spill and lash out at the people he cared for. Well. Person. Wally was the only one he still let in.
Then Red Hood appeared. And Dick couldn't explain it but there was something about him that ticked Dick off. Something about her that sent recognition zipping between his nerves.
Jason remembered the moment he first realised he didn't want to be a girl with terrifying clarity. He remembered the feeling of looking at Dick and thinking 'I want to be like him in every way possible'. It was... normal, for a sister, he thought (he hadn't had siblings before and didn't have any friends besides Dick) so he didn't immediately clock it, but he still counted it as him realising back then that he was trans. Dick Grayson did not help. He was so painfully perfect, the Golden Child. Jason remembered envying everything he did but that didn't mean Jason hated him. Oh, on the contrary. Jason did not love anyone more than he loved his big brother. God, she had always wanted a brother.
Julia felt like a completely different person to Jason now, after the pit. She felt like an old friend. His chest still squeezed when he thought of her, of who he used to be, but it wasn't... overwhelming anymore. It didn't make his eyes spark with neon when he looked in the mirror anymore.
Oh, also, he was a fucking dude now. Not entirely biologically but fuck him, he was muscular (which was more thanks to Talia's fucked up workout routine she had him on than the pit but still), voice was deeper, jawline more pronounced and his tits were gone, though the 'y' shaped scar on his chest took the focus from everything else. Everything else about him was how it should be but it was like being dunked in The Pit had given him thousands of testosterone shots. Because the pit was basically testosterone. It was why Ra's was such a dick. (Not really, but Jason loved telling him that.)
Jason didn't mind it. Talia had worried that he would have, when she first saw him after coming out of the pit (after she'd calmed down the Pit Madness that plagued his brain) but he hadn't. She didn't care. She helped him pick out his new name. Damian too, though he was less help. The four-year-old wanted to name him Titus. Jason vetoed.
Jason still took testosterone shots sometimes though he only had to do it once every three months instead of every 1-4 weeks like a typical trans man. What freaked him out about the shots was not that they were needles, but because they made his veins glow green, and his eyes, too. They also over exaggerated his veins. They crawled up his arms, up his neck, snaked through his whole body, under his skin. It felt tingly when that happened but it didn't last for more than seven minutes and Damian found it very cool so he didn't entirely hate it.
Then Jason left the comfort that was Nanda Parbat and sought out the Destruction Of Batman. That... did not go as well as he thought it would.
Dick knew. He had to know. He kept looking at Jason whenever they met as Red Hood and Nightwing. There was no way Dick could know but he knew. He had to have. It made Jason's heart beat faster, a warmth spreading through his chest at the prospect of Dick knowing him- of loving him enough to recognise him even if he wasn't Julia anymore, even if he was a very high ranking (he had only been back in Gotham for six months, how had most of Gotham's Underbelly wrapped around his finger?) Crime Lord.
Then Jason's plan really fell through. Damian, the little shit, ran away from home, weaselled some fake identification papers from Jason and then, a few weeks later, Batman had a new Robin. Jason wanted to scream.
When Damian had said on the phone that he had wanted to be like Jason this is not what he thought he had meant. Coming to Gotham to see their his father was one thing, but coming to Gotham, pulling the Long Lost Son card on Batman and then becoming Robin was an entirely different thing! Jason was so fucking mad, he wanted to tear his head of. Who's, he wasn't entirely sure. Some random, unfortunate passerbyer who pissed him off, probably.
Red Hood glared at Robin with distaste clear in his posture. Robin glared back. Then he frowned, the shadow of Batman over his shoulder didn't seem to deter Damian from revealing all of Jason's secrets. "You do not seem happy to see me, Akhi," Damian said and damn it Jason loved him too much to deal with that pout. He also had far too many things to do that evening. Mm-hmm.
"I'm always happy to see you, Dames, but this is not okay." Jason tried his best to scold him but it did none of what Jason had intended it to do. What did he intend it to do, you ask? He doesn't fucking know but Batman was looking at him now, surprise and shock clear to Jason, to the Julia that seemed to hang from his shoulders like how Jason used to do to Dick, weighing him down like Jason had always thought he had to Dick too.
"Mother seemed ecstatic to hear that I was with Father," Damian continued slowly, oblivious to Jason's inner demons. He crossed his arms. "I thought you would be..." His pout turned to a heart-breaking frown. "Happy."
Jason sighed, his shoulders drooping at the unsure expression flickering at the edges of Damian's features. He wanted Jason's approval and fuck, if Jason wasn't going to do exactly what those green eyes wanted. "I am happy for you, Habibi." He quickly picked up his shoulders when he felt Bruce's eyes narrow on him. Jason stood as tall as he could, which meant he towered over Damian and even over Bruce, too. His stature was wide, bulky, masculine. "But I am not your handler. Do as you please." Jason's lips curled up at Bruce even though he couldn't see Jason's sneer through his helmet. "Just hope you don't end up like birdy number two."
Bruce's expression hardened and Damian's pout worsened, opening his mouth to probably say something about him actually wanting to be like Jason but he stopped himself, seemingly realising his fault. He snapped his mouth shut and sent a silent apology to his brother.
Jason accepted it and turned, planning on stalking off but Dick had snuck up behind him. It took all of his training (league and bat) for him not to flinch. He scowled at Nightwing. "Who are you?" Dick asked, completely unfazed.
"Fuck you," Jason snapped, hating the way his voice caught in his throat. He knew it and Damian probably did too but the other two wouldn't've caught it through the voice changer his helmet was equipped with. And then he left. He left and he didn't want to see Dick ever again.
But he did. He slowly got integrated into the family again. Well, the Bats stopped trying to apprehend him and he stopped trying to kill them. He still shot Dick sometimes when he felt like it but he was no longer mad at the replacement. Or Bruce really, anymore. He was mostly... sort of numb. Sometimes he pissed the Pit Madness, he missed feeling something.
"Who are you?" Dick asked one night. They were both standing on a roof, not really acknowledging the other, just standing there.
Jason frowned. "Does it matter?"
Dick thought for a moment. "No. I don't think so. But we've met before, haven't we." It wasn't a question, no matter how it was phrased.
Jason hummed. "Maybe. How would I know? I dunno who you are."
"You know who Robin is," Dick said. "And you've called me Dick more times than typically normal."
"Maybe that's because you're a dick," Jason said, voice impassive. The corner of Dick's mouth twitched up. Jason saw it out of the corner of his eye, the two of them still looking out at the city.
"Maybe," Dick agreed. "But I don't think so." He then turned to face Jason. Jason did not turn back. "You're Damian's brother," Dick stated, though it sounded more like it was for himself rather than Jason. "But you don't know anyone else. No one but B and I."
Jason opened his mouth to deny that but one look from Dick shut him up.
"You really didn't like RR when you first surfaced," Dick continued, voice going into Detective Grayson mode. "And you hated B, hated him with a burning passion. You weren't so stoked about me either but with me..." Dick frowned. "I think you were nicer. I know you," he said again. "I know you and you know I know you. Why do I know you?"
"I'm sure you wouldn't remember," Jason said. It wasn't that he thought Dick wouldn't remember Julia, it was that he had never known Jason. And Jason was who he was, not her.
"I'm good with faces," Dick grinned that charming Grayson Smile. Jason turned to him finally and studied Dick. Then he glanced around before taking off his helmet. God, Dick just stared. His domino widened as it followed the movement of his eyes. He hadn't been expecting this. Good. Less of a chance he would recognise Jason.
(Dick wouldn't know Jason. He wouldn't recognise him, which was why he had taken off the helmet, definitely not because he secretly wished Dick would recognise him and hug him, promise him that he loved his little brother no matter what.)
Jason was sure Dick wouldn't recognise him. Back then, he had been a girl with long curly black hair, blue eyes, a sharp wit and a wicked smile. Jason still had his wit and his smile but his hair was no longer curly, it was short and sort of shaggy with a white streak through it, his eyes were green (a normal green most of the time, don't get him wrong, but green nonetheless) and, most of all, Jason wasn't a fucking girl.
But Dick gasped. He gasped and his hand flew to his mouth, clamping down a sob. "Jules," Dick whispered into the night. Jason tensed. He was clearly, in fact, not 'Jules' anymore, despite the warm feeling the nickname sent through Jason's chest.
"I'm not," Jason said, voice no longer inhibited from the voice changer. Jason didn't sound like Julia at all. His voice was much deeper than hers, deeper and gruffer than Bruce's even. It was what Jason liked most about himself.
"I- yeah, clearly, but I don't- fuck, Hood, I don't care." And then Dick was grasping desperately at Jason's shoulders and pulling him into his arms. Jason slumped forward without meaning to. He was taller than Dick was, taller than normal even, with the thick soles of his boots but Dick didn't care. He still pulled Jason down and settled one hand on the back of Jason's neck, comforting and warm and familiar as it pulled Jason's head to Dick's shoulder. "I don't fucking care."
Dick cried. He cried, so incredibly happy. Jason just stood there not quite hugging back until Dick started to sob, his weak composure crumbling. Jason wrapped his arms around Dick and let himself get pulled closer, the two of them quite the sight.
If anyone saw them now, they would both be in terrible trouble, but it wasn't something either of them were worried about. They had each other.
God, Dick had his baby- whatever they wanted to be because they were there. God, he didn't fucking care.
Jason, Dick found he had named himself. He/him pronouns too. Dick still did not care that his baby sister was now his baby brother. He didn't care. What he did care about was the fact Jason had been back this entire time and hadn't thought to fucking tell him. Jason was hit upside the head multiple times and forced to the manor to be fed by Alfred who recognised his grandson immediately. Bruce was out. It was the only reason Jason went. Damian ate with them, completely not clocking the fact Jason typically was not there until half way through the meal when Dick burst into another fit of crying and Jason just wordlessly lifted an arm for Dick to crawl under. Dick latched onto the side of Jason's torso and Jason let him, continuing on with his meal.
Damian blinked. "Oh. Right. You are not meant to be dining with us." Damian took a bite of his food, chewed, and then swallowed before speaking again. "Does Father know?"
"No," Jason said casually like this was any other conversation. "And it will stay that way. Besides, the severed heads situation-"
"No capes at the table, Master Jason," Alfred chastised but his scold wasn't as effective as it would've been if Alfred hadn't said his name with a spark to his eyes, a little bit of life returning to him when he said Master Jason like he had missed using that title, had missed Jason. Any Jason. Julia. It didn't matter to Alfred, to Dick, Damian, Barbara, Tim, Duke, Cass, Steph, Bruce- none of them cared that he was trans. Not a single one. Jason did, sometimes. He cared that he wasn't really a man but it didn't bother him as much as it had. Roy helped a lot with that. Lian too. His little family, the one Jason made, the one that loved him so fiercely it was scary, loved him for who he was. Jason Todd was a man. Lian Harper had degreed it herself so who was a mere mortal like said man to contradict her?
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strwberri-milk · 2 days ago
ahh omg ive always wanted to do one of these tytyty!!! <3 tossing in some of my older lesser known fics too in here as a promo <33
now im realising how hard this actually is LMAOO i had to search through my entire drive files to parse thruogh and find some of these lolol my excerpts are a little longer for some bc i wanted the context to shine through [sob]
my words were!: abandon, reckless, breath, gaze, gesture
and to you, dear reader who wishes to partake i offer anybody:
Bloomed Flowers: (Obey Me!Beelzebub x OC)
Rin nods to herself, agreeing with that. The last time she was touched in any sort of explicit manner was weeks ago, back at her old location of service. It’s most likely just her touch starvation kicking in mixed in with [abandon]ment issues. It wasn’t as though she fell in love with him. He barely gave her the time of day being busy planning this massive event. She didn’t even know why he was planning it. The staff all seemed excited, flitting about and planning what they’d wear even though it seemed to be months away. Some of them said things under their breath or to each other and all she could gather was that his brothers would be arriving to help celebrate his birthday.
Your Mark On The Universe: (Amber to Kaeya)
And not to mention the time you tried to come into work with a broken rib! How stupid of you was that? You’re just going to make the rest of us die with worry over you! Just because you’re my senior it doesn’t mean you get to make [reckless] decisions! You should think about what I’ve said! I guess this isn’t really part of the whole good memories thing and now I feel bad but I don’t want to scribble everything out, especially not about making you take better care of yourself so instead I will add a brief note to thank you. When I joined the Knights you were as friendly as someone like you could be, so I guess it made things a little easier even if it was an absolute pain to get used to your….quirks. 
Passing Hands: (Bridgerton!Diluc x Reader)
It’s exhilarating and terrifying to be in this position and he wants so much to make it more than whatever is happening right now. The meeting of your eyes makes his [breath] catch in his throat and he wants to lean down and bridge this gap that exists between the two of you but knows that he can’t. “You make me feel things I’ve never felt before, I’ve never even dreamed of feeling. I thought that this was all impossible, that it was some sort of charade that everybody took part in but this draw that you have, something that is impossible for me to escape from, it has to be that romantic notion of falling in love with someone. What else is it if not that?” he mutters against your lips, wanting so badly to just drop his head down a little more and kiss you.
Last Friday Night: (Motrocross!Sylus x Reader)
The engine cuts out behind you and you heave a sigh of relief, walking a little more relaxed for just half a second when someone clears their throat from behind you. Despite your better judgment you decide to give them your attention, turning around to meet an intensely scarlet [gaze]. Your breath catches in your throat, trying not to seem too distracted by the handsome stranger standing in front of you. 
Songs of Sorrow: (Rancher!Boothill x Fem!Reader)
You return the [gesture], wondering how she knew Boothill to feel so comfortable holding him the way she is. He doesn’t really say anything, turning his attention back to her as the two of them start to back out of the house. It looks like he’s telling her to go home, gently patting her shoulder with his hand. She pouts playfully, swatting at his chest but he doesn’t seem to respond in kind. It takes a second but she finally leaves, waving goodbye before looking at you through the window. You mouth a farewell to her, an unsettling feeling sitting in your stomach at the slight glance she gives you. 
Writing Tag Game 🏷️
Rules: I'll give you five words. Find the word (or the closest approximation you can) in your works and post an excerpt. Tag others to play and give them new words too!
My words were: Touch, Heat, Lick, Time, Ache — tagged by @oncasette, original post here! (This is such a sweet idea, thank you for thinking of me!!)
New words: Home, Dream, Hand, Think, Feel — Tagging: @solifloris @irandial @zara-renata @kentofic @grabby-smitten @comatosebunny09 @leighsartworks216 and anyone else who writes!
When Sylus touches you— when the tip of his finger catches yours and makes an honest, desperate request— you don’t pull away. Something inside tugs at you, warns you, tells you a monster without a sword in its chest is one that can bite. What colour of blood would your hands prefer? His? Your own? — (Monster)
It’s hard to believe when he’s staring back at you, oh so solid, oh so perfect. Always a picture of strength: of fiery determination or calculated coolness. Everything in extremes; nothing by halves. Except… his hair is slightly dishevelled from where he’s been working away in the heat. There’s a damp patch on his shirt. He’s wearing your pink apron, and there’s mascara on his sleeves. — (Technical Difficulties)
You’re feeling everything too keenly: the water licking at your throat, the darkness beneath you, around you, waiting to pull you under and fill your mouth. You never feel further from Rafayel than when you remember he calls that darkness home. — (Practice Makes Perfect)
Pretend you have time: His gaze is full of faith and oh, the world is going to enjoy punishing the two of you. “I know,” he insists, because this is the second time you’ve fooled him tonight. You feel his hand on your face and you let him kiss you— again, then again— so achingly slow, so arrogant. The world can wait; he wants to punish you first.  — (To Remain Silent)
Your life is hunting monsters, and his is finding beauty in a world where they exist. It’s not what you see, it’s how you see it. Crimson to him is a sunset; to you it’s blood. Something in you aches as your eyes roam over his latest work. He won’t tell you what it’s meant to be, not really: that’s a private understanding between him and the canvas, his heart and every stroke of paint. — (Perspective)
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ssentimentals · 2 days ago
hi baby! i’m a new follower here and i don’t know if you’re still doing the prompt game but i would absolutely loveeee 17 and 25 with seungcheol please :)
hi love! welcome-welcome :') prompt game is still ongoing, thank you for requesting, hopefully you will like it!💜
prompt: 'tending to an injury/wound/illness' + showing up injured at the enemy's house'
'what the fuck?' you mumble when someone starts banging at your door at - you squint at numbers on your laptop screen - at two freaking am.
there are lots of things you expected to see when you open that door. maybe some neighbor kids pulling a joke, a delivery guy who got here by mistake - not seungcheol, who's clutching at his left side, trying to stop the bleeding. your grip on the knife that you managed to grab on your way tightens and you repeat again, louder this time: 'what the fuck?'
seungcheol glances at the knife in your hands and weakly chuckles: 'you're late for that,' he mutters and lets presses harder on the wound. 'already got stabbed.'
you squint at him. there are millions questions on the tip of your tongue but what comes out first is: 'what the fuck are you doing here?' and it's a valid question, because you and cheol are enemies. you work for different people, you gather data on one another, you set up traps for his team and he tries to gain the upperhand on yours.
'i just need-' he pauses, wincing at the pain. he looks pale and worn out and his voice shakes a little as he continues: 'just- twenty minutes. that's all i need. rest up and i'll go. they won't find me here.'
accepting a guy in your house who is a) your enemy, b) has people looking for him and c) is injured, is not a smart move. but the more he stands there, the higher is the risk of someone else noticing and you doubt that he can go back on his own legs, so: 'get in, asshole.'
you push him towards the bathroom, cringing at the metallic smell of blood that fills your nose as soon as he takes off his coat and gets rid of his t-shirt. the cut is not very deep to be extremely risk for his health, but it's still a cut deep enough for- 'you're staining my carpet with your blood.'
seungcheol looks down and huffs, rolling his eyes. 'i'll buy you new one.'
you hand him soap and point towards the bath: 'get undressed and wash that wound in the bathtub. i'll come back with bandages and antiseptic.' you look him over and add: 'don't die in my bathtub.'
'bossy,' seungcheol notes but it's clear how he's barely holding himself upright. 'gonna stay here while i'm undressing?'
you should've never let him in. but people say that best defense is attack, so: 'why? do you want me to?'
seungcheol reaches for his belt, pauses and looks up at you. 'yeah. maybe then you'll like me.'
you both freeze. the way he said it - the tone - was different. not the usual teasing or rude comments, but something serious, something.. sincere. 'i won't like you,' you mutter, puzzled.
'won't? or can't?' seungcheol asks in a quiet whisper.
it's too much. an unknown territory for you that you're afraid to breach. without saying anything you walk out to get bandages and antiseptic, not noticing how seungcheol looks at you with longing that only a person who loves someone he can't have feels. and he knows it's complicated; it's the story as old as time itself - star crossed lovers who are doomed for tragedy. but when he climbs into the bathtub and tries his best to wash the wound carefully, he can't help but hope. because you let him - that has to mean something, right? you help him - that has to mean something. and maybe with enough effort seungcheol can make that turn into something beautiful, not tragic.
a/n: cheollie is so popular for requests lately, i hope i'm managing to keep up with everyone's expectations :/ hope you liked it! - nini
request your own here
my other seventeen work is here
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tarithenurse · 10 hours ago
Any future
Fandom: MCU Pairing/starring: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader Word count: 974 Content: Friends to lovers, mention of injury, guilt, pining, physical pain. A/N: Found Missy’s Writing Challenge and thought it could be helpful in revitalizing my desire to write fanfics. Thanks for making a great challenge, @saiyanprincessswanie . I went with the prompt: “I look at the future and all I see is you.”
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Any future
You’ve worked with them for more than a year now, the Avengers.
You had been starstruck in the beginning but that had quickly faded as reality crashed into your idyllic world: working with heroes, seeing the backside of the medal was not pretty: people got hurt, some died if you didn’t do your job right...nothing could take that pain away and once you’d been close to throwing the towel in the ring and walking away from it all. It was only because of your teammates that you hadn’t quit.
You tried to keep them happy too, tried to pick them up on their rough days...but there’s always one who seem to be harder to cheer up than the rest: Bucky. He walks with a perpetual rain cloud over his head, barely cracking a smile to his friends Steve or Sam.
Your heart aches for him.
He, more than anyone else, has a lot to atone for and despite intensive support from the team and therapy too...nothing seems to work. You know he avoids the public, abstains from reading the newspapers or checking the internet because more often than not, there will be someone questioning his intent. If he is good. If he really still is the Winter Soldier.
You’ve tried talking with him too. He’s friendly. Hell, it even seems like he enjoys your company as much as he can so you grab every chance you have to cheer him up. Make him feel loved. Because you do...you love him. It’s not just the sympathy talking or a motherly desire to coddle him. You love his intellect, his quiet thoughtfulness.
More than once you’ve gotten him a book with crosswords or Sudoku puzzles only to find engrossed in it for the following days. Or we would silently join you when you watched movies especially fantasy like Lord of the Rings or the Princess Bride (that one did make him crack a smile more than once). He reads a lot, trying, as Sam says, to finish the so called “list” which on the other hand is ever growing partially because you add to it.
But in spite of your efforts and Bucky’s quiet acceptance of your presence in his life...he’s a mystery. Impossible to read.
It had been a tough mission and you hadn’t gotten away unscathed: a broken leg. You try to follow the orders of the doctors but even with the most impressive technology at the doctor’s hands there are some things that only time can fix and so you’re grounded, forced to stay home from the next mission.
You hadn’t seen the fellow Avengers off that morning, deciding instead to stay in bed and pout. But eventually it becomes too boring and your leg is aching too much: you need a distraction.
Grabbing the crutches, you imp your way to the kitchen in your sleepwear, knowing you’re home alone with Friday and it wouldn’t care even if you were naked. Sleepmuzzed hair, booty short, tank-top.
You get as far as getting the mug out of the cabinet before you lose grip on the crutch and it falls to the ground with a clatter and stubbing your toe on your good foot.
“Fuck!” you growl.
“I’ll get it,” a baritone voice behind you offers, causing you to scream in fear because that it not Friday.
Spinning around, you lose your balance as you become tangled with the crutches. You’d have fallen hard if it wasn’t for the owner of the voice catching you.
He’s strong, effortlessly putting you back on your foot but not letting go as you cling to him. He smells of metal and something spicy, you realize now that you’re so close to him.
“You’re home?” you deduce brainlessly.
He smiles softly. “Didn’t feel right to leave you behind in your state. Seems I was right.”
“Guess you’re good at reading the future.”
Something shifts in his eyes that you can’t explain but it’s gone just as quickly. “You okay?”
Suddenly aware of the proximity, you stabilize yourself on your good leg and pull apart. “Yeah...just...clumsy like this.”
“Then allow me?”
You nod, assuming he’d get the crutches for you. Instead, he lifts you effortlessly and carry you over to the couch where he settle you down. On his way back to the kitchen, he calls over his shoulder:
“You take it with milk, right?”
Baffled that he knows your coffee preferences, you agree.
Moments later he’s sharing the couch with you, each nursing a cup of coffee and with a plate of buttered scones on the coffee table.
“You’re wrong, by the way,” he suddenly says, breaking the cozy silence.
“In what?”
He isn’t looking at you, but studying the blackness of his coffee. “About me and the future. I’m terrible at it...or you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”
“Are you...are you blaming yourself for that?” you ask, shocked.
He really shouldn’t be. Those sort of things happen and he wasn’t even close by where you got pinned: an explosive had been triggered by the Hydra agents and the debris had caught you.
He still won’t meet your eyes. Just shrugs.
You put your cup down, starting to be more annoyed than confused. “James Buchanan Barnes. Look at me.”
Finally, though slowly, he does as you demand and you are overwhelmed by the sea of emotions that meet you.
“Talk to me...please...” you whisper.
“I look at the future and all I see is you,” he manages to press out, “it used to be...nothing. Greyness. Now there’s light.”
You reach for him and he puts down his cup before carefully crawling over to straddle you. It hurts your leg, but it’s worth it when you can press your forehead against his. And by the time he tilts your chin up and kisses you slowly, nothing else matters.
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meshaamem-li · 11 hours ago
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hits your Loop with the human-ification beam (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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★ ~ design rant under the cut ~ ★
hiiii~ (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。this took me very long to draw and I'm very proud of (most of) these sketches, please lmk if you liked them! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) anyways here's my design notes:
long hair! very long and spiky and messy from never brushing or taking care of it ever, and from living in trees. it's probably a sensory nightmare and constantly gets stuck in branches, but they keep it for the drip.
scar over the left eye! I saw several people give them a star-shaped scar, but I feel like the star theme is pretty apparent already, so I went for a scar that look like tear marks! something about a parallel to the king and the sadnesses and how they're grieving because "they were mine and you took them from me".
tall~ they're taller than Siffrin and Mirabelle but shorter than Odile and Isabeau, perfectly in the middle.
if I had the motivation I wouldve drawn them like a wet cat and falling from a try and tangled around a branch by their own hair (in a /silly way), might still do it lmao.
those jitter things on their skin are still there, I was just too lazy to draw them. same with the pixelated star, my art program doesn't have a pixel effect and I'm not doing that by hand.
look at that mouth. look at it. it took me three hours. i put so much effort into it. appreciate it. (i tried giving them sharp teeth but I barely know how to draw regular teeth so I gave up)
yeah I have nothing else to add lol
thanks for reading! bye! have a nice day! I love you! ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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sai-int · 3 days ago
How is your vocabulary so good, it is literally the first thing i noticed about your writing. You describe things so well, you somehow find something else to say, more emphasis or more explaining and i am genuinely in love with the way you write (the content is another story, i can’t even describe it with words). Do you have anything to say or any advice you can give?
this is so kind, thank you so much!! i have tons to say :) 🤍🤍
as for my language, i have always loved reading ever since i've been able to, and reading a ton naturally increases your vocabulary! along with that, i've been in advanced & ap level english classes since high school and we would always learn complex words and read even harder books. i'm not sure if this actively contributes, but i read a lot of shakespeare for fun (macbeth is my all time favorite!).
truthfully, i try not to throw in a bunch of complex words because i want my work to be as reader friendly as possible! i'd rather have you googling “is bromley is really 30 minutes away from belmarsh prison,” or “did ____ baseball game really happen on september 14, 1991,” rather than “meaning of oppobrium” lmao
now, as for advice with writing in general, the key to worldbuilding and elaborating where necessary is as follows: put yourself in the situation and/or emotions of the character in the very moment you're writing and try to emulate that.
what would you see? would your eyes move frantically, leaving you unable to really focus on something? would you try to pinch yourself to snap back to reality? would your hearing narrow to just the sound of your pounding heartbeat or would it be sharpened and on high alert? would you stay or would you run?
for me, it's just a deep dive into psychology and the human condition
for example in Return To Sender, while writing the scene where reader first sees simon behind her, i wanted readers to feel like they were being stalked, like they were utterly haunted and frozen in fear. let's be honest, we'd all be shitting bricks if we were in our room, naked, alone, and a massive man was suddenly behind you.
a huge part of my writing process is listening to music that closely correlates to the vibe i'm trying to portray.
I had inbred and ptolemaea by ethel cain on repeat. i emphasized the descriptions of the wind howling because the intro of inbred reminded me that there actually is wind blowing through the room in that scene. music overall helps me sink into the story and into the character.
another reason why i put emphasis on certain things is because everything I write generates like a movie in my mind before anything is even written down. it's all pieced together with certain angles, emotions, sound queues, etc. i write exactly what i envision in my mind and i'll add as many details as i can to paint the same, if not a similar picture in your mind too!
sorry if this got too philosophical 😭
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ieunstq · 9 hours ago
grumpy!bakugo x sunshine!reader (quirk: blood manipulation)
being intruded by his thoughts and beeping crickets at night, he left the cabin and stayed outside shore. he could handle it but once sero began to snore, he just couldn't take it. katsuki wondered why those thoughts came in anyways, he knew he occupied some kind of feelings for you however he never realized it was that strong.
he marched through the white sand, the blue waves crashing through the beach filled the area's noise, and then he sat down, careless that his shorts would get dirty. bakugo attempted to think about something else like his sparring with eijiro last week or the food he ate today: miso soup for breakfast, garlic chicken wings paired with kinpira for lunch, and a bag of chips– that you gave him during the ride to the resort.
i'm thinking about her again, the blonde-haired boy thought, i hate her.
just as he assumed he's over it, he heard a voice. his eyes pitched open and he looked up, it was you. why did it have to be you? bakugo was bothered and it was clear by his tone, "what?"
"oh, you okay? you're more grumpy than usual," you questioned, eyes meeting his grimson gaze. He could hear his heart beating and panicked so he broke it off.
you sat next to him, "why are you here? it's late," when you made yourself comfortable, bakugo sensed your pomegranade scent, it pissed him off by the fact he's slowly falling in love. "yeah, no shit, sherlock," he rudely responded.
"shut up," his sharky attitude snapped, "i'm not grumpy, i'm never grumpy," he corrected you. "right right," you cackled, "what about just now, then?"
bakugo scoffed, refusing to encounter your eyes yet, "that's different, you irritated me, Y/N."
"mhm," you shot him a narrowed-eye glare that he could see in his peripheral vision, "i'm being serious now, why are you out at night when you're supposed to be sleeping?"
katsuki's tongue tapped, "tch, you should speak for yourself first. why are you out?" "why are you turning the questions towards me? fine, I slept too much earlier at the bus and now my quirk's energized," you honestly explained, "what's your excuse. tell me, please."
"no," he bluntly denied. "why not?" you asked. "it's a personal matter, Y/N, s'none of your business," bakugo nudged.
it took you a few minutes before you assured, "by personal matter, do you mean family personal issues or personal personal issues?"
"personal personal issues, Y/N," his head moved to face you, forgetting about how your eyes looked mesmerizing. he was starstruck, taking in all perfect features and so-called flaws you had. you, on the other hand, were oblivious about bakugo's fascination of your beauty. "aw, what happened?" you felt piteous for him, hand unconsiously patted his dorsal side; you didn't notice it but he did. anywhere you touched him sent a trail of goosebumps. what are you doing to me?
"d-didn't i say it's none of your business, L/N?" his vile tone stuttered, a fade of pink flushed his cheeks, you would have noticed it if it wasn't dark. "c'mon tell me, i've been your friend since elementary school and if i may add, many of our classmates have vented to me, and i never told a soul," you persuaded.
it's true that you've been friends with him since elementary, it started when both of your moms met each other at a parent and teacher meeting. due to his stubbornness, he finally let you join his clan weeks after because his mom forced him. katsuki wouldn't lie though, he viewed blood manipulation bad ass and it was awesome that it was your quirk. he eventually gave in, "christ, this girl," he sighed, "i like a girl or i think i like her."
you gasped, arms lightly shaking him. "OH MY GOSH! kacchan's first crush, who's the lucky gal?" was followed by, "won't say and stop." a frown crept but was covered by a cheeky smile, "fine, tell me about her then."
maybe this was his chance to just try and drop a hint that you were his crush, but then again, your cluelessness always gets ahead of you. "she's just beautiful," he described poorly, no hair color or details of quirk, just beautiful.
"beautiful, nothing else?" bakugo shook his head, "wow. how do you feel when you're with her, then?" you hit him with a question again. how you're so curious about who it really is, he found that funny inside. "i dunno," the blonde shrugged, "happy, I guess."
considering the fact that no impressive girls have actually captured his opinion even just as a decent person, this girl has to be bad ass, you thought to yourself. "you have to be more specific, bakugo. does your heart flutters when you see her or feel even just a small bit of comfort when she's present?"
"you make it sound so weird," he found your interview to be a construction that projected his love life, "but if you want the truth, yes. i guess i feel comfortable when she's around."
you squeaked and were about to say something but his hand covered your mouth, "shut up idiot. you're making it seem like i'm planning to propose or something."
your quirk summoned a form of blood and it got rid of his palm on your mouth. "sorry, i'm just excited 'cause this is your first crush. everybody knows that a guy like you's probably busy with school stuff. but y'know,
『 °*• ❀ •*°』
✎ : I struggled with the dialogue and i'm going nowhere with the plot😭 let me know if u guys liked ts, maybe ill finish it🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
ieunstq 2025
₍^. .^₎⟆
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witchygagirlwrites · 1 day ago
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Antonio Dawson x Reader
Antonio seems to only have time for you if it involves getting you in bed. Jay just wants one chance to prove to you how you should be treated.
Companion piece to One Chance
You’d known Antonio for a while. It was a side effect of your jobs. Fifty one and intelligence ended up bumping into each other too damn much it seemed. Add in the fact that you were one of the firefighters under Casey’s charge and that was in fact his brother in law? Yeah it meant you knew him.That smile and that way he had about him drew you in. He was so damn charming. It wasn’t long after his divorce became final that he asked you out. You told yourself not to take it seriously, take he was more than likely just looking for a good time.
That was easier said than done. You were falling, you knew it. Hell Gabby knew it, it was easy to read in the way she would look at you with sympathy in her eyes. Antonio never wanted you during daylight hours it seemed.  He’d get off work and call you when he knew you were home. He’d want to bury himself in you for a couple hours then would want you gone by morning light citing he had to get ready for work.  
You were getting tired of it. At first you told yourself it was because of the hours you both worked, it was just the fact that neither of you could exactly schedule too well plus his unit could catch a case at any given time. The longer you were with him, the more obvious it became what you were and what you weren’t. 
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You walked into Molly’s laughing at something stupid Tony had said, him and Capp were fussing something over a bird ending up in one of their helmets earlier in the week. You shook your head at the insanity. You loved your fifty one family but crazy was the nicest way to describe all of you. You spotted intelligence, Antonio amongst them. You should’ve smiled and headed for them. He was your boyfriend? Wasn’t he? You honestly didn’t have the energy in you for him to avoid your kiss.
You locked eyes with him and kept walking, following your crew to the bar. You had just gotten your drink from Herrman when you felt an arm slip around your waist “Hey baby” you stiffened slightly when you heard Antonio’s voice. You weren’t even sure why. Maybe it was simply because you had gotten used to the point of not having any signs of public affection from this man. “Hey” you whispered, looking over your shoulder at him. He smiled “Wanna get out of here?”
You rolled your eyes “I just got here so no” he groaned “Come on sweetheart. I haven’t seen you in a few days” you nodded “Because I haven’t had any nights available?” he raised an eyebrow “What’s that supposed to mean?” you shook your head “Nothing, just I’m not leaving yet. If that pisses you off oh well” he nodded “Ok” and turned to walk off. Big surprise. He didn’t want anything to do with you as soon as you said you weren’t leaving. 
“He’s my brother, I feel like that should override the cop thing if I slap the shit out of him” Gabby spoke from your side and you shook your head “It’s fine Gabs” she shook her head “Stop letting him treat you like that” you sighed “Not like anyone else is gonna treat me any better” she cut her eyes across the bar where you’d gained the attention of another member of intelligence, none other than Jay Halstead. “I don’t know about that. Looking like someone else is willing to try”
You cut your eyes at her “No ma’am. One, I am still with your brother. Two, he’s your ex and three, he’s in the unit with Antonio” she shrugged “Lay your cards out with Antonio. Tell him you’re falling for him and see what he says. All I ask babe. As far as Jay being my ex? I give you permission and him a recommendation” your mouth fell open and she laughed “I want to see you happy. My brother is breaking your heart”
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You were walking out of the firehouse to your truck when your phone rang. You pulled it out of your pocket and groaned when you saw Antonio’s name. “Hello?” you answered and could practically see that smile on his face that used to make your knees weak but now made your heart ache. “Are you still mad at me?” “I was never mad Toni. You just never want me when you can’t have me in bed”
He groaned “Come on, it’s not like that” “Oh really? When was the last time you took me out? Or just kissed me in Mollys?” you asked and was met with silence “So you’re gonna bitch I’m not spending time with you then turn around and bitch when I’m trying to spend time with you?”
You shook your head, trying to remember to not squeeze your damn phone considering the case was already cracked “Spending time with me and fucking me are two completely different things Antonio. The first couple weeks you were so damn sweet and amazing and now? You kick me out as soon as you can. Tell me the truth. Were you using me, taking me out and about to try to get Laura back?”
He was silent and you felt your heart crumble in your chest “That’s all I ever was? A lure to try to make Laura come crawling back and when that didn’t work, you kept me around for an easy fuck?” you swallowed hard as he called your name low. “What?” “Just come over, we’ll talk” “Fuck you Antonio”
You hung up and felt tears start slipping down your face. “Sweetie, what is wrong?” you heard Gabby before her arm was around you. You turned to face her “He was using me to try to get Laura back, when that didn’t work I was practically a fucking sextoy and I allowed it to happen” you started crying in earnest then and she pulled you into her arms “I’m gonna fucking kill him”
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A week later fifty one ended up responding to the same scene as intelligence. You stepped off the truck and your eyes landed on Antonio who was talking to Matt. “This will be fun” you headed towards the building and heard Jay call your name. You stopped and looked back “Sup Halstead?” he nodded “We’ve got three vics still unaccounted for. From what I gather they should be somewhere on the second floor. Kelly said to tell you”
“Thanks Jay” you told him and he smiled “Be careful” you smiled “Thanks” and headed inside behind your boys.
You came out, carrying the ten year old you found hiding in her room. She was terrified and clinging to you but she was also the last known occupant that was unaccounted for. You laid her on the gurney Gabby had waiting and she smiled up at you “I didn’t know girls could be firefighters” you winked at her “And why not? We’re more awesome than the boys”
“Isn’t that the truth?” Jay spoke, walking up behind you after you’d gotten her loaded up with Gabby’s help and slapped the side of the rig to let them know it was all clear. “What are you still doing here?” you asked and he shrugged “Maybe I wanted to see the pretty firefighter too” 
You shook your head with a smile “Aww you were worried, that’s so sweet” he grinned “One of my friends walks into a blazing building and she barely comes to my shoulder? Yeah I’m gonna be worried” your eyes widened and your mouth fell open “You asshole” he laughed “The look on your face is priceless”
You shook your head “I gotta help clean up” he nodded “What’s up with you and Antonio and if I’m overstepping feel free to smack me with your helmet” you pulled it off your head, smoothing your hair down before shrugging “I don’t know this thing is pretty heavy” he shrugged so you sighed “He didn’t really want me like I wanted him as it turns out” he raised an eyebrow “He hurt you?” you shook your head “Nothing that won’t heal. I should’ve seen it coming. I’m not exactly the woman who’s at the top of anyone’s most wanted list” 
“Nice to know I’m not anyone” he mumbled and you froze “What?” his eyes got big “What?” you shook your head “I’ll see you around Jay” he nodded “You gonna be at Mollys on friday?” you shrugged “Maybe” “Can I buy you a drink if you are?” you grinned “Maybe” then walked away.
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Antonio regretted the words time he’d told them to you. He didn’t know why he told you that. He hadn’t exactly been trying to get Laura back, he hadn’t exactly not been trying to get her back either but still. He did care about you. You were sweet and beautiful and such an amazing person.  You were always there when he needed you, rather someone to talk to or a warm body to lose himself in. Why hadn’t he appreciated that?
Maybe it wasn’t too late? Maybe he could talk to you? Get you to give him a second chance? It had only been a couple weeks. You loved him, or were falling for him. Surely you’d give him a second chance. He decided to head to fifty one to see if you would talk to him.
He was about to park when he saw you standing just outside talking to Jay. Jay? The two of you were standing close and from the looks of it Jay had brought you take out from your favorite place. You stepped a little closer and pressed a kiss to Jay’s lips. He watched as the other man pulled you into his arms, the kiss turning deeper, your fingers intertwining behind Jay’s neck. He pulled off before he could see any more.
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He waited to confront Jay. He fumed while he waited until one day he was standing close enough to Jay’s desk he saw a text come through with your name and the preview of the text he could see read See you at 7 baby
“Did you wait any time before jumping to ask her out?” Jay spun around looking from his phone to Antonio, a smirk slipping onto his face “If you couldn’t appreciate what you had man. Don’t get pissed I can” Jay stood up to be face to face with him. “We got a problem? Say something about my girl and we will” Jay’s girl. You were Jay’s girl. Fuck, why had he ever treated you so damn bad. He shook his head “Naw, no problem” then turned and walked away.
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knight-dwx-09 · 3 days ago
First Day As Developer
It was in the morning where Jaune was outside of his home.
Jaune: So… what should I do now to increase my level? I mean I can’t see my Level or experience like Ruby when I look through my stat
[Level and experience are only for the players Jaune had chosen]
Jaune: Then how do I grow stronger then if I can’t level up?
[The first way you can grow stronger is simply through training or fighting]
Jaune: I guess that make sense but I was expecting something interesting to become a hero… *murmur* you know, like consuming book for active and passive skills or items that boost my stat or grant me superpowers…
[Another way is by investing Point System into your stat. It could be seen below your stat menu]
Reading that, Jaune open his stat once again.
[System Point: 47]
Jaune: hmm… it say here I have 47 of it
[That is correct]
Jaune: And how do I use them?
[By pressing the stat you want to increase and press the up arrow or by thought of the stat you want to increase and the amount you want to it to increased]
Jaune then look at the stat, searching for the lowest one and it was his INT, something he wasn’t proud of, and add 1 point.
[INT: 5 -> 6]
[System Point: 47 -> 37]
Jaune: That took ten to increase just one… And I don’t think I get any smatter…
[While the difference between 1 point isn’t that different for Jaune to noticed. I assure you there’s a margin boost in your intelligence]
Jaune: Okay, I will trust you on that. Anyway, how do I get more of the system point?
[By slaying enemies or change the story]
Jaune: Story? What story are you talking about?
[System level is too low to provide the answer]
Jaune: Okay, that lines is getting super annoying to read. I guess I should go hunting a Grimm… now…
Jaune just stand there, Shaking a bit as the memories of him almost dying when he save his twin sister thank to a Beowolf.
[Are you certain on that Jaune? I detect an increase in your heartbeat and respiratory rate, Pupil dilation, and tremors. You are showing a signs of distress and fear]
Jaune: Y-yeah… I am fine… I mean what kind of a hero who is scared of fighting Grimm… Y-yup, I am not scared at all
Jaune: Dad is out patrolling around the village and mom is at home. And my sisters are just at home as well, studying or playing games, or visiting their friend’s home for a sleepover. And I already told them that I will out visiting a friend… They won’t be worried if I come home late… yeah, I can do this
Jaune: I-i… I can do this…
He tried to move, forcing his trembling legs to just take a single step forward to prove to himself, but his body didn’t listen to him as the sounds of heartbeat fill his ears.
Jaune: c-come o-on… what are yo-you doing? Isn’t this what you wanted? To be a h-hero? Then what are you so afraid of?
[Jaune… it’s alright to admit that you are afraid]
Jaune: No! I am not afraid!
[Yes you are]
Jaune: I’M NOT!
[It is fine to feel such a thing since it’s a normal thing to have, even heroes have their own fear]
Jaune: No they don’t! A hero should not have any fears at all when they fight Grimms or struggle to defeat them! They have to be brave and strong to protect people and make them feel save!… *head hung low and Whispered* I should have been more braver and stronger… maybe then… my family won’t be scared for me and believe in me…
He reminder himself once again of the scars on his back, how he stood there as the Beowolf slowly approaching Jeanne and only move at the last moment to save her. How he almost died and frightening his whole family because he was too weak to take care of himself.
[Jaune, this isn’t a fairly tale where the heroes can fight with their lives including everyone’s else at stakes without being anxious or scared. They are still a human in the end not matter how much they tried to hide it from everyone. Sometimes they are afraid, sad, angry, and happy… just like you]
[Despite of your fear at the thought of fighting Grimm and know that you are too weak, you are willing to risk your life to be the hero for everyone around you. And that make you brave precisely because you are scared but still choosing to fight for their behalf, that is an admirable strength of a hero]
[It doesn't matter if you have the power to defeat everyone or change the world. It won't do anything to protect everyone if you don't have the heart to do it. But to me, you already have it]
Jaune: Do you really believe in me? *Look up to the screen with hopeful gaze* You think I can become a hero as well?
His eyes widen at the words, couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His sisters, parents, even Jaune himself only have doubt on him even since he woke up after his encounter with a Grimm, but they didn’t. And it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know how or what they are, cause “Luna” was the only one to put faith in him.
Jaune: …Thanks… *Smiling a bit* for the comforting words and believing in me…
[No problem, Jaune. After all, You are my Developer and it’s my purpose to aid you in anyway]
[Furthermore, Jaune have the system by his side to assist him to achieve the necessary strength to be a hero]
Jaune: Yeah… and I am grateful to have you… Luna…
Jaune: oh, *embarrassed a bit* it’s a name I come up for you. Pretty sure Luna means the moon or something similar. I got it because I remember staring the moon when you first appeared… You don’t like the name?
[I appreciate the name you have given to me, Jaune]
Smiling a bit after reading that, Jaune look towards the woods with determination clear in his eyes until he realize something.
Jaune: Shoot, I don’t have any weapon on me. I guess I need to sneak back house quietly and grab a weapon or something *Walk away in embarrassment*
[Just a reminder]
[You are able to give a quest and the reward to the player anytime]
[In the case of the players fail to fulfill the condition of your guest, Jaune is able to provide them with a punishment]
[Warning: The reward will consumed the system point for the benefit of the player but it will generated system point whether they managed to complete it or not]
Jaune: Oh, almost forgot about Ruby, I wonder what kind of quest I should give to her
After a moment of standing there, considering what kind of stuff he could make this girl, named Ruby, do. Then an idea hit him as a mischievous smile tugs at his lip.
Jaune: Okay Luna, could you give this to Ruby as her first quest?
He doesn’t have to say it out loud for Luna to know what he was thinking.
[Giving the player “Ruby” a Quest]
Ruby was on her bed, staring her stat profile with a pout.
Ruby: Stupid Dad… stupid Yang… I really did have blue screen in front of me…
[You have received a Quest]
Ruby: *sits up* Oh, my first quest! I wonder what it is?
[Quest: The Veggie Vanquisher]
[One must face their greatest adversaries and challenges to become a hero, including those lurking on their dinner plates, Vegetables. So go forth young hero! Prove your bravery and courage by consuming every last bit of it without any help]
[Objective: Eat a plate of veggie without anything else]
[Time: 02:59:55]
[Reward: +5 stat points]
[Punishment: If you fail to complete this noble quest, the system shall declare you… "The Tiny Veggie Villain!" For the next 24 hours, all system messages will refer to you as such. Additionally, your favorite “snacks” may mysteriously "disappear" until you redeem yourself!]
Ruby sat there, eyes unblinking and not moving an inch. Anyone who see her will probably think she was dead or frozen in time if not for the occasional rise and drop of her chest when she’s breathing.
Then a feminine voiced could be heard, shouting a bit.
Summer: Ruby! Breakfast is ready! Could you be nice girl and wake up your sister?
But Ruby didn’t answered.
Worried, Summer opened the door slowly and enter the room.
Summer: Ruby? Sweetie? *Kneel down* What’s wrong?
Ruby: *Hug her mother while sniffling a bit* The blue screen told me to eat my green… or it will take my cookies away from me…
Summer: Huh? *Looking around and see nothing* There, there sweetie. The blue screen won’t hurt or take your cookies away from you
However, Summer was extremely confused what was going on and remember what Tai had asked her yesterday.
Summer: Did I really put something into my own cookies without knowing?
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skeletonh0e · 13 hours ago
ohohoho… no writing blog can go without that one classic hc…
the boys being…
please? :3
(idk if u already did it, pls say u don’t so i don’t get embarrassed by asking again lmfao)
Coming right up my dude, gender neutral reader per usual
Tw for some possessive and yandere-ish type behavior with Nightmare, Killer and to a lesser extent Dust & Axe
The boys are Jealous
Classic Sans:
Imma be real, this rarely happens
He wouldn't be dating you if he didn't trust you, and generally, he's such a chill guy that it's hard for anything to really rattle him (pun very much intended)
He's protective, yeah, but that's pretty subtle, and it's more fear of you getting hurt than you leaving or hooking up with someone else
Not to say it doesn't ever happen
Surprisingly, one way to get him jealous is to laugh at others' jokes. Like really laugh, especially if you laugh harder at them than you normally do at his puns
Hm, he suddenly does not care for you getting all buddy buddy with that person
He'll calmly place himself in the conversation, he doesn't seem to act any different but the vibes are off
Classic: "Hi yes, I'm Y/N's partner. Romantic partner. We're together. Hey, wanna tell 'em about that prank I pulled yesterday?" All said while putting an arm around your shoulder
He is trying so hard to be normal about it but it's clear something is bothering him, it's kind of cute
And yeah the person in question is getting his with the typical passive aggressiveness you'd expect from Sans lmao
By the time you two leave you'll cheekily ask if he's jealous and he'll deny it
Y/N: "That's a shame, he was really funny-"
Classic: "Watch it."
You two will go and have a few laughs over the situation, he also is gonna get you busting a gut laughing in one way or another
Underswap Sans:
The Magnificent Sans is never jealous!
According to him
See Blue has two sides to him, one that's extremely prideful and one that's extremely insecure
He's constantly flip flopping in-between "You'll never find someone as cool as me so you won't bother!" And big ole puppy dog eyes of "Why aren't you paying attention to meeeee" 🥺🥺🥺
The latter largely just comes out as him just being kinda whiney and bothering you, largely behind closed doors as he just kinda glomps onto you and pouts
The former? Well
Someone attempts to hit on you then he just swoops in, picks you up (regardless of how tall you are) then announces
It causes a scene and is just as embarrassing as it looks
And he doesn't even put you down he just walks off with you
Deems it as "coming to your rescue" lmao
Don't give him too hard a time about it though, he means well
And you think he's just as magnificent as he says right? 👉👈
Underfell Sans:
This boy actually is EXTREMELY jealous
And if there's one benefit to having him as a boyfriend it's that his constant snarling and general vibes are good at keeping others away
Which is good, because you're HIS
There's a reason why even in most public places he'll happily let you sit on his lap or keep an arm tight around you, not only because he's a sucker for affection deep down but also so it makes others steer clear
Bro doesn't like when people simply look at you like they're getting ideas, so trust me when I say anyone that actively tries is verbally getting their head bit off
Might actually kick their ass too just for the hell of it, but usually is doesn't escalate that far
Listen he's never been above kicking someone's ass just to prove a point alright?
And yes he has no problem reminding you just who you belong to either
He loves to cover you in hickeys and the marks definitely push the point in, even if you try to hide him. And him getting jealous is just an excuse to add more
Tells you just how good you're being while he proceeds to absolutely ruin you ❤️
Underlust Sans:
Man is a sex worker lmao, so you two aren't strictly 100% monogamous to begin with and it'd be pretty hypocritical for him to be jealous 9/10
If you have to deal with others gawking at him while on stage and behind closed doors, he can tolerate you getting some attention
And he doesn't blame others one bit, you are utterly delicious, he would know
Not to say it doesn't ever happen though, but his jealousy is usually pretty tame and subtle
Normally it's just being bigger on PDA than usual and calmly inserting himself into the situation
Especially makes the habit of deciding to show others just how well he can fluster you up, think whole
"That's a good chat up line, I'll give you that, but try something like this~" before he starts cooing in your ear and turning into a bright red tomato
If you left him might even go as far as to have a gross little public make out session with some heavy petting to push the point in
Others can look sure, they might even be a bit successful in wooing you, but he'll make it clear to everyone that he's the best you'll ever have in that regard
Also does seem like the type to just interrupt mid conversation to leave a painfully obvious lipstick mark on your cheek
And he will indeed be cheeky about (da dum tss)
Horrortale Sans:
Axe is a bit of a wild card I'll be real with you
He's very protective....but is he naturally jealous?
He knows he's an intimidating ass guy with a terrifying reputation, which while he's not yelling about your relationship from the rooftops it's pretty clear you two are a thing. So the number of people who'd be dumb enough to try and snag you? Pretty low
So he's surprisingly chill when you spend time with others, to an extent at least. Does this mean he likes it on the rare occasion when others just hit on you especially when he's like...right there? Hell no
The person in question is instantly grabbed by their shirt and hoisted up into the air, getting a very gruff "you must be confused 'bout something here" as he proceeds to scare the living shit out of the dumbass
You might be able to talk him out of outright killing the guy but even if he doesn't kill him, Axe will break their fucking legs to say the least
Jealousy is not a pretty sight when it comes to him and he's kinda clingy the rest of the day
Growls at anyone else that gets close, you know how to calm him down at this point and assure him that you're always going to be his
However, similar to Red, he's not afraid to give some love bites as a reminder
Fresh Sans:
Oh boy, he's about to be ANNOYING
Emotions are a bit of a mine field for him and I don't he even recognizes it as jealousy. Nor is he easily jealous by any means, but that doesn't mean he likes it when others steal your attention
Randomly just poofs in mid conversation, blows an airhorn and inserts himself like "Wazzzup homies!?"
Woe to the other person in question, who knows if their poor wittle ear drums will ever recover
You know how some cats get extremely loud and clingy when their owners pet other cats? Same energy here
I would say he wouldn't go as far as to sit on you while you're doing something important or knocking things over but uh
Don't put it past him!
And don't try to ignore him it will only make him worse, just give him some proper attention and he'll be happy
Tbh depending on the situation might do what Blue does and just pick you up before breezing away on his skate board
His now/j
But honestly he's rarely if ever an angry jealous type just annoying, but he's not opposed to BONKING someone if need be
Killer Sans:
So anyway he started stabbing-
Okay maybe not that extreme right off the bat, but rest assured bro has NO PROBLEM killing someone who's flirting with or hitting on you
Even if they weren't being serious
He's a bit unhinged and a little shit, so unlike with Axe I would not place any bets on you being able to talk him out of it. If anything that might encourage him cuz why do you want them alive so much???
Honestly Killer has the energy of a person who insists that he's not jealous but actually really is despite how much he tries to play it off otherwise
Y/N: "You are the most jealous man I know!"
Killer: "You know other men?!"
Honestly the mentality also applies when you're around others even if they aren't flirting with you. Probably won't stab them but he's there, around, watching, making sure no one gets too close :)
Whatever you do not intentionally egg on this side of him
Man is fully willing to crave his name into your skin if it means you know who you belong to
Dust Sans:
Hoo boy
Also in the camp of "will murder anyone that actively tries to take you away" but can be talked down with the right words
But honestly him getting jealous is more sad than anything else, because he knows damn well he's a mess and he is already partly convinced you will just leave the moment you find someone else
Even after the person in question leaves, he is clinging onto with a vice grip one that almost hurts as he's repeatedly asking
"You are mine right? No, you are. You are! You will be! I'll do anything! Just....don't look at anyone else like that, please don't- I can't- MINE!-"
He is not mentally stable and his hallucinations in his case do NOT help in situations like this
He can get violent with you while like this, he'll always regret it after and you know how to avoid it from escalating like that but the risk is always there
He'll need some hugs and a lot of reassurance, you've probably all but mastered dealing with these type of episodes by now
Attached to you like glue for a bit, death glaring at anyone that comes too close and is silently just defensive for awhile
Things will go back to normal eventually, but lets hope no one pulls the stunt of hitting on you while your boyfriend is RIGHT there for awhile
Nightmare Sans:
Doesn't get jealous unless you give him a reason to
Nightmare is not the healthiest partner to have, he's already extremely possessive and controlling. He keeps a close eye on you, so encounters that trigger his jealous side don't happen often purely because he does not allow it
Sometimes you're lucky if you can leave the palace without a bodyguard, that's not mentioning how he forbids you from wearing anything too provocative strictly because your body is for his eyes only
And anyone that tries is getting killed, whether you're made aware of it or not
If you try to bring up any issue with it he'll pull some manipulative sight, ranging from straight up gas lighting to down play the severity of it or somehow convincing your that it was simply for the best
After all what if that person didn't have your best interest at heart?
He'll remind you just who you belong to in the end, he won't mark you necessarily, he's not a brute after all but you'll be begging for mercy by the end of it
The right words, the right touches, and soon you'll be happily saying just who you belong to then he'll be as happy as a peach
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awinterrosesstuff · 3 days ago
Hinata's fans have so many absurd claims. You could spend years trying to debunk them. But there a few...
"At least, Hinata didn't confess during war (contrary to Sakura)"
Hinata confessing her love in the middle of a fight before rushing towards Pain (and failing miserably)
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I'd like to add that chapter is literally called "confessions". For Hinata obviously ! I'm sorry, but I don't find Hinata confessing her love in the Pain's arc more commendable than Sakura confessing in the war arc. It's pretty much the same thing. Hinata was clearly there to express her feelings. And contrary to a claim I've seen, she wasn't "forced" by Naruto to tell him how she felt. She didn't need much convincing to make a whole declaration. She was clearly here for that and I'm tired of Hinata's fans trying to claim the contrary.
"Neji can't do the twin lions fist"
Well... first, since he didn't use it in the manga, you can say it I guess... but really, why do you believe it's a good thing in favor of Hinata ?
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You see that ? That jutsu Hinata's fans like to brag about everytime ? Shown twice in the manga (why Kishimoto ? Why ?) and... no explanation on what it's supposed to do. Nothing. Only the design and the name. Kishimoto literally explained almost every jutsu. His explanations usually look like tutos. As someone who likes Neji, I'm very glad he didn't get superfluous jutsu. In what world people are happy Hinata gets that treatment ? And it's even worse when you consider the databooks where it's stated it taught only to the main branch. Meaning Neji doesn't have the privilege to learn it.
And anyway, if Neji wanted to learn that jutsu, he would have easily. The boy was able to master his techniques by himself just by observation. Before the chunin arc, he wasn't trained in the Hyuga style by Hiashi (contrary to someone else).
This is sometimes attached to differents claims like "the twin lions fists is very powerful" or "Hinata surpassed Neji with the technique" etc. Since it never damaged anything or anyone, it's hard to tell if that technique is powerful or not, or if she surpassed (in the war arc you can tell she didn't) him or not.
"Hinata is so nice and empathic"
"Hinata is so smart"
"Hinata is the strongest kunoichi"
So here all the panels I'd could come about Hinata's canon traits.
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So her known traits : She's shy and weird and looks away when Naruto looks at her. Neji describes her as "all sweetness and light" and "peacemaker". Meaning she doesn't like fighting and conflicts. Something that has been shown many times, particularly during this fight until Naruto "convinced" her to fight. She's not good at the Hyuga style and is seen as weak and a failure by her family. I know once Naruto tried to cheer her by saying she was strong. But hey there's a difference between being strong and the strongest kunoichi (a title that goes to Tsunade too).
So, here we go... even if Neji says she's sweet, I can't remember her being particularly nice (something Choji has been noted for) or empathic (Naruto is right there). Giving some ointment to Naruto and Kiba is nice that's true. (Little edit there, I was wrong on one thing) But... reminding Neji's of his status and his "destiny" is neither nice nor empathic. I don't remember her being smart. I'm sorry but if anything, her "fight" with Pain showed she isn't very bright or strategic.
"Hinata's love for Naruto doesn't influence her decisions".
I'm not going to add everything but...
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Did Hinata's fans even know their fave character at this point ? The first thing you see her doing is to apologize to Naruto on Kiba behalf, the next is her trying to give Naruto's the answers without thinking about her teammates. She doesn't cheer on Kiba (her own teammate) because of her crush on Naruto (someone she barely interacted with). She gives Naruto the ointment first. She literally fights Neji because Naruto is finally watching her (her own words) and she doesn't want to look uncool in front of him (sorry, what ?). She gives him the proud failure speech. Then in the Pain arc, she's literally risking her life and the village (she perfectly knew Naruto was a jinchuriki at this point) just to confess her feelings. She said twice she chased after Naruto her whole life (the Pain arc & the war arc), you can actually see it in the panels I posted. And she again risked her life for Naruto in the war arc. Almost all her appearances in the manga are connected to Naruto in one way or another. I don't want to hurt anyone, but Hinata is a love interest and Kishimoto always has written her like that. Most of her decisions are made because of and for Naruto.
"Hinata loves Hanabi so much. She's a great sister. "
Please show me one panel where she even thinks about Hanabi. Oh yeah right, she dreams about Hanabi and Neji spying on her while she's on date with Naruto. Poor Hanabi... and poor Neji.
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I've also read some Hinata's fans making fun of Sakura for rushing to Madara with no plan just to impress Sasuke. And... what do you think Hinata meant by "in front of him I can't bear to look uncool" when she was fighting Neji ? She wanted to impress Naruto and be seen by him. And rushing at Pain (the strongest of the akatsuki) without a plan is somehow better than what Sakura did ?
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Reposting just in case someone forgot... how is that different ?
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groovy-rat-man · 6 hours ago
behold! the punch out promotional comics and a few (or more) words I have to say about them!!
this is.. uhh. this is gonna be a long ish post
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I dont know why but i do NOT like how joe looks here. I think it's the teeth... The bread belt is pretty funny tho and the fact that him and the ladies make the french flag and also mac is here so thats fun!
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Aaaaaaa the babies!! The kaiserlings!!! I always love it when people bring up the fact that vk is a teacher and have him interact with his students and stuff, and they seem to like him as a teacher!
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Omg hes so pretty and I love him so so so so much i wanna kiss him all over ohhh and his shy little pose when he talks about his win/loss ratio dont worry babe you'll get there, by the way did I mention I love him? (also this is one of my favorite ones art wise, the colors and expressions and sparkles are so so so fun!!)
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It's it's my adult son who could crush my skull with one hand, my beautiful boy! But yea anyways he looks absolutely adorable here especially in the 1st and 5th panels also how did he get in this ring he doesnt know anything about anything. (oh yea and macs here too and that's always a plus)
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Wifeeeeeeee noooooo don't sit like that too long.., honey your legs... (also i love his angy face at the end an d i wanna kiss him also)
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This might sound dumb but I like this comic more for having Ms. Bear than for having Bear Hugger, we actually got to know her name! I also really like the colors and the FIGHT!! thingy those are really cool
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Okay so I'm gonna talk about something real quick, it feels like ALL of the promotional media for punch out wii mentions gt's gem. Did they think the fight would be to hard if you didn't know about his tell? Why did they keep bringing this up?? Also he's really pretty and I like the way they draw his little clone thing and mac is here too and his confused little face is funny. (also does anyone know what he's saying in the first panel i really wanna know)
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I really like this one but I always thought that the blatant use of his official art is a little jarring lol. But yeah I love how much of an absolute pimp he is here and also how his ass GETS GOT at the end and ALSO how he talks to the audience and references the game itself, that's WILD! Sadly I'll have to dock a few points for a lack of Carmen :'(
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I'm not gonna talk about this one too much because I Do Not like what it does to me. I will say that I am (disrespectfully) looking at his boxy little ass
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Ayyyyyyyy my main man Soda Popinski!! I'm also not gonna talk about this one too much because the ending is. Not for me. It's for someone though! Anyways yeas I really like the portrait on the first panel and also this was a thing with Joe's comic but he also has an unnamed coach so that's neat. Also Popinski is kind of an inconsiderate asshole so that's fun lol
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I love how the first panel has him being all intimidating and scary but every panel after that is just him being harassed. LET HIM LIVE, FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!! However much he beat the shit out of the guy in the last panel was completely deserved, paparazzi are parasites <3
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HUMMINA HUMMINA, AWOOOOOGA!!!! But in all seriousness the art (NOT MACHO MAN'S ASS >:/) is just wonderful, the colors and shapes and the text bubbles and hears and stuff AAAAHH it is beautiful!! This might unfortunately be my favorite of the comics actually. (also the spotlight and his shy little pose at the end is cute i will admit)
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I friggin love sandman yall, I also love how it shows all the other boxers and stuff. Also what kind of asshole challenges a guy in boxing gloves to rock paper scissors? Sandman was completely justified tbh. Although I will admit I wish they added SOMETHING to his character, but I guess they didn't add much to anyone else either so it's whatever
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blackwaves · 2 days ago
#thank you for COOKING op ily for this #hhhh “eternal child soldier even when that's not true” is painfully true #i have WAY too many thoughts about how the fandom's interpretation of her character as “misogynistic” is misogynistic in turn and have #discussed it in length in the safety of my friends' DMs but it really drives me insane how her devotion is portrayed and reasoned with #of course the months old child would get unhealthily attached to her saviour. that's a very normal response. #the part about wanting her to NOT be infantilised is so so so important to me!!! “she's just twelve” yeah and also not #she's twelve and she's a woman and she tortures people till they break and she's the fearsome second-in-command that gets piggyback rides #imho one HAS to always account for the fact that BSD takes place in an Ability-ridden world where the Ability users are weapons first #and people second (if at all). how the characters live within that reality and adjust their humanity as much as possible... #teruko of the hunting dogs is an excellent character to analyse that #ngl i gotta add that fukuchi wasn't very willing to have teruko kill him and did in fact try to scout akutagawa for that case? #that's something to think of as well #anyway. yeah thank you for this ( from @deathbedtime-story )
okay responding in bulletpoints bc somehow all my teruko thoughts come out in lists but:
sooooo glad this cld be helpful at all <3 i love teruko i think everyone should love her and be nice to her forever. she's so important to me. bratty agefucked childsoldier supremacy.
re:devotion i think i've been like. i get it with teruko, for aforementioned reasons, but in general with bsd esp though also with other medias i've been rotating the fact that i think western (possibly specifically american, regardless eng-centric) fandom tends to add in like... a negative cast to a character's canon devotion+loyalty+obedience and the gravity with which the source material affords it. i have been turning that over in my head in conjunction to this article for a second specifically because i think this happens to each of the bsd dynamics that is rooted in similar emotions.
regardless: genuinely, asagiri justifies her loyalty and gives it weight in the canon. of course the child that knows nothing except pointless, meaningless-to-her war would have her brain fucking rewired by someone who gives her a reason to fight and live and would be weird about it in the aftermath. this is the "why and how do you live" manga.
the infantilization makes me so so so mad. take her seriously. the other hunting dogs offer her respect and follow her lead, it's not mutually exclusive from everything else about her. (and yeah!!!! all of bsd's child characters are treated like people/weapons first, children rarely, u know? teruko is in another zone to me, but— it's frustrating to me.)
fascinating point re:fukuchi— i think i didn't pick up on specifically the concept of akutagawa being the one to do the deed, but i'm staring wideeyed at it right now. genuinely i think people interpret him as more... malicious/manipulative towards teruko than i do? to me it's like. that's the kid he picked up who's not quite a kid to him but also not Not. i think he wouldn't have done it like this (teruko as the one with her hands on the blade in him) if he'd had another option he thought was available to him, and i think people underplay the fact that he does care about her in return.
anyway tldr always up to talk abt teruko ty for giving me an excuse to o7
sorry if you've already made a post abt this because my memory is a sieve but i would LOVEE to hear your thoughts in depth about teruko. she's one of my favorite characters but i haven't gotten around to dissecting her beyond like. how the story holds your hand through her lore lol. especially with how you hold her in conjuction with higuchi (!!!) i'm so interested
oh god oh god. lies down. i'm so passionate about teruko forever. trying to compile a list of thoughts like. hm. okay so. okay firstly this got incredibly long so i'll put it under a cut, but:
(1) i love her. so much.
(2) she gets sorted into one of the like... feudal loyalty/fealty/selfless devotion-to-a-commander characters in my head (ranpo and louisa are prominently that to me) in a way that isn't entirely right given that i think her devotion is intentionally colored by a crush in a way the others don't have on-going, but— i'm fond of it. it makes me crazy. i haven't read into her irl counterpart's work because very little of it is accessible in english, but i've seen it noted that it's unsurprising her character lives like this, in a similar and parallel way to higuchi's crush on akutagawa being a homage to her irl work.
(3) i noted this in my tags about her but— i bingewatched s4 and s5 in like two nights altogether as a (mostly) anime-only fan at the time, minimal time for critical thought allowed and having not touched bsd in a few years, so i dismissed the way she is about fukuchi as being a misogynistic caricature at first + was disappointed in asagiri to see it. the fact of her taking the throughline of her character, a foundational fact hammered in her every appearance, and following through with killing fukuchi on his orders retroactively justified all of it to me and made me literally insane. even before we got the backstory that gave reasoning for her loyalty.
(4) i've seen criticism on the s5 finale plot beat wrt her btw? it always makes me frown. disregarding fukuchi's orders would've left no narrative payoff to her devotion to me, would've left her feelings for fukuchi as a joke and caricature with no depth to them, whereas asagiri takes what we know and turns it like a knife within us. we know she's loyal to fukuchi. every single appearance that she has is relentless about insisting, she's loyal to fukuchi first and foremost and transparently, and he matters to her. i think that doubling down on it and insisting, she believes in him, she says fuck justice this isn't about that anymore (-> the other core defining point in her as a character being her belief in justice and in right + wrong) and does the single thing we know would kill her to do because he orders her to. is incredibly important to me.
(5) (bsd has an ongoing theme about smaller, narrower loyalties not overriding the ones that matter, when it comes to ideological conflicts— it shows up with fukuzawa with both mori and fukuchi, prominently to me esp because the fukufuku divide appears in the same arc. teruko's belief in fukuchi's orders overriding her more personal love for him, overriding the more selfish choice to not kill him because she doesn't want him dead, matters to me. again: underlines her loyalty and retroactively justifies it for me.)
(6) i think she was partway-manipulated into what she did. i think she didn't have time to think about it in a balanced, level way. i think if she had been given time, she probably would've sided with him anyway when he explained it, despite the conflict it provoked in her; that's her commander, and she has her own reasons to be wary of another great war, despite how misguided fukuchi was in his beliefs. it doesn't not align with her ideologies. i think she's going to be fucked up and conflicted and wrong-in-the-head about it forever.
(7) she's somewhere between a child and not for me. agefucked forever. ik there's been people discoursing about her age and providing reasoning for one or another, but it genuinely doesn't matter to me except to figure out exactly what flavor of agefucked she is— imo she's too-mature and too-immature and somewhere halfway-between forever. i think she's an eternal child soldier even when it's not true. she sees herself as her role in the hunting dogs before she sees herself as any age at all, and she got plucked off the battlefield by fukuchi from hollow combat to become a different kind of living weapon, this time with a sense of purpose.
(8) the hunting dogs see her as a child just as much and as little as they don't, and they respect her as dangerous before anything else. relevantly to me. i think she's their most terrifying member and is vicious and powerful and they follow her lead, she's their second-in-command, and she's also twelve years old in weird ways and she gets indulged with piggy back rides and sits on people's backs while they do push-ups. both things can be true. group of living weapons who made their bodies into tools and are weird about it. (btw it does make me murderous to like. see her infantilized the way i do in fandom sometimes. she's a brat and childlike and a nightmare. take her seriously forever; the other hunting dogs do, and they always always always acknowledge her as someone worthy of respect.)
(9) the sky casino conflict makes me crazy. she's good at what she does. she was raised doing this. she takes the pain and keeps moving and she sees herself as a slave to society and she's never had the chance to be anything other than what she is and she'd say she chose it if asked, i think. child soldier of all time.
okay that was a lot sorry i have. so many thoughts about her please please please feel free to respond as much or little as you want i could talk about her forever. obligatory notes for:
fic rec for to be named the generation unafraid by @obsidianstrawberrymilk which is theeee teruko fic of all time to me when it comes to being weird about age and about being a child soldier.
shameless (okay. shameful.) linking of my own fic if i'm old enough to die for your mistakes, which is the companion to my f!fukuchi manifesto fic and can be read without context except in the genderbending sense bc it's most prominently just about. teruko in a hypothetical where fukuchi dies in this arc, being weird about it. i'm normal about her (-> lies)
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